Security Screens vs. Home Security Systems

March 28, 2022

Article categories: Security Tips Archives.
White security camera inside home living room.

What is the best home security system? Is it a guard dog, surveillance system, alarm, or unbreakable security doors and windows that halt even the most determined intruders? Sometimes the best home security solutions combine whatever makes your family and home the safest. Because when it comes to house security, you can’t put a price on safety. 


With unlawful entry with intent increasing by 4% in 2021 to 139,094 victims, ensuring you’re safe with the best home security options isn’t just necessary; it’s essential. Most unlawful entry with intent involved taking property (62% or 85,565 victims) or occurred at a private dwelling (60% or 83,595 victims).


So what’s the best way to protect your family, home and belongings? Should you use home security systems and alarms or opt for security screens on your doors and windows? More than just a fly screen, Amplimesh® security screen doors and window screens are a surefire deterrence to would-be thieves.


Follow along as we highlight the pros and cons of a range of home security solutions to ensure you have all the information you need to set up the best home security system for your family.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of security screens?

Security screens in your home are a physical barrier from intruders. A good security screen door or window can prevent intruders from jemmying open or dismantling doors, breaking windows or picking locks. 


Seamless Security Finish

Amplimesh® security screen doors and security window screens are made using a ‘pressure fit’ system, which means no visible screws, fixings, clamps or bolts. Amplimesh® employs a one-flick operation triple lock that provides additional support for potential break-ins or home invasions.


Not only does this make it harder for burglars to break into your home, but the seamless finish also looks great, so you can secure your home without compromising looks.


Amplimesh® SupaScreen® Stainless Steel and IntrudaGuard® Aluminium security products are subjected to a rigorous regime of impact tests, jemmy attacks and pull testing under Australian Standards to ensure that the inherent strength and structural integrity of the manufactured security product are maintained.

Knife Shear Test

One of the most important Australian Standards for Amplimesh® security screens and doors is the Knife Shear test AS 5041-2003. This test involves a panel of mesh being subjected to three repeated attempts, in a constant directional force to cut through it using a specifically selected knife using a special machine to ensure consistency.


We’re proud to say that Amplimesh® SupaScreen®, IntrudaGuard® and PrivacyGuard® security screens pass this test with flying colours.

Energy Efficient

Moreover, security screens are designed to protect against harsh weather and allow air and light circulation without compromising your family’s safety. Depending on the type of glazing installed, Amplimesh® SupaScreen® security products can achieve up to 4 ½ stars for cooling climates, reducing your energy footprint and keeping your home cooler in summer.

Changes To Airflow

Even with security screen, air infiltration tests show the practical openness of Amplimesh® security screens to be 41% of airflow for SupaScreen®, 40% of airflow for IntrudaGuard® and 10.8% of airflow for PrivacyGuard®. Sometimes the best doors for security are a combination of your own front door and an Amplimesh® security screen.


Fortunately, the disadvantages to installing Amplimesh® security screen doors and windows are limited. The outright cost of your security screen solution might be the most substantial challenge depending on your home’s unique configuration. It’s worth noting, however, that this is a one-off payment because, unlike home security systems, security screens do not require ongoing monitoring.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Security screens for entrance door security are typically our most affordable options. In contrast, our floor-to-ceiling alfresco sliding doors are more expensive, considering their size and functionality. Despite the initial investment, you can rest assured that your security screens will last for years without any significant maintenance – other than cleaning them from time to time.


Another potential disadvantage of some security screens is durability against corrosion, which can diminish their protective qualities. With a bit of research, you can ensure that the quality of your security screens is of a high standard. Amplimesh®, for example, uses marine grade metals designed to withstand corrosive salt spray testing and are much less susceptible to corrosion and increase the product’s lifespan in coastal and urban areas. 


SupaScreen® stainless steel mesh and IntrudaGuard® perforated aluminium are coated with specifically engineered corrosion and moisture-resistant coatings per AS4506 – 2005 – Metal finishing—Thermoset powder coatings. 


Amplimesh® offers a 16-year warranty on all SupaScreen® products, a 10-year warranty on all IntrudaGuard® products and a 7-year warranty on all PrivacyGuard® products to ensure that your security screen doors and windows stay in top shape. 


Read our full terms and conditions of the Amplimesh® SupaScreen® and IntrudaGuard® warranties for more information. 

Amplimesh® Tips For Buying Security Screens

  1. Does Your Security Screen Meet Australian Standards?

    1. Security screens and doors installed by an approved screen by a licensed expert may entitle you to some home insurance premium deductions from your home insurance provider, saving you money in the longer term.
  2. Does Your Security Screen Come With a Warranty?

    1. Amplimesh® has been in business for decades. We provide our customers with a warranty registration on our website once your installation and payment are finalised.
  3. Is Your Security Screen Reasonably Priced?

    1. We’re here to help make your home more secure. We’ll ensure you pay for what you need so you don’t get caught in the hype trap.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of home security systems? 

Home security systems are great for alerting you to suspicious behaviour around your home. Plus, an alarm will alert you or your neighbours to an intruder in your home. They often give homeowners the peace of mind that their home is secure with a digital passcode. However, these systems can have their drawbacks.

Did I Turn The Alarm On?

It can be difficult always to remember to arm or disarm your device, especially if you’re not out of your home for long. In addition, the police will charge you for repeated false alarms (even if you accidentally set it off yourself). And depending on the system you have, weekly costs may be charged. 

Low Deterrence

It’s also worth noting that an alarm will not deter around 51% of thieves, and sensor lights will not deter 77%. That means even some of Australia’s best home security systems might not be enough to protect your home and recommend physical perimeter protection.

Costly Contracts

Professional security systems can also be expensive. From installing a wireless alarm system to intelligent switches, and 24/7 monitoring, there’s more than one bill. Plus, you could be locked into an alarm-monitoring contract with your supplier, which could mean cancellation fees if you choose to back out.

The Best Home Security Systems

Both security screens and home security systems have their merits and drawbacks. To ensure you get the best of worlds, we highly recommend combining both systems to protect your home. For example, window screen alarm sensors can easily be fitted to your security window screens, doubling your chances of preventing unlawful entry with intent.

If you’re looking for reliable home security solutions for windows and doors, fill out the quote request on our website, contact an Amplimesh security screen expert for a free measure and quote or call us on 1800 267 546 and upgrade your house security system today.

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