How safe is your home?

March 28, 2022

Article categories: Security Tips Archives.
Miniature house with man's hands hovering over it.

Is my home safe? The security of your home is key to your peace of mind and your family’s safety. Those of us who’ve experienced a home burglary or an attempted break-in know the stress and adverse effects that can be caused beyond just a few stolen possessions. 


Burglaries are a common threat to home security, impacting nearly 200,000 households experiencing a break-in during 2020 and 2021. That’s why it’s crucial to take measures to burglar-proof your house by following our essential safety tips.


However, theft isn’t the only concern for the safety of your home. According to the Country Fire Authority, there are an average of 3,000 house fires in Victoria each year, with most being easily preventable. 


Then there’s the number of homes damaged by severe weather and storms yearly. Updated data from the Insurance Council of Australia revealed the storms and floods that impacted South-East Queensland and coastal New South Wales in February and March were estimated to cost $3.35 billion in insured losses.


Ask yourself, how safe is my home? Once you’ve got your answer, keep reading to find out.

1. How to burglar-proof your house

Ever wondered how often burglars return to the same home? In many cases, thieves will return to properties that are familiar to them. That’s why taking the proper precautions is vital to deter unwanted visitors. Here are some burglar-proofing ideas that can help.

Locking doors and windows

Although most robbery incidents were likely non-residential (83% or 44,800), an estimated 1.7% of households (171,600) experienced a break-in between 2021 and 2022. The most common evidence that a break-in occurred included a door or window that was damaged or tampered with (43% or 77,300).


Open doors and windows are a shortcut for intruders. Ensure you secure them whenever you’re asleep or leaving the house ­– particularly in summer when you’re more likely to have had them open. If your home features security screens by Amplimesh®, you can breathe easier thanks to several security benefits, including a premium three-point locking mechanism on all Security Doors.


Amplimesh® security screens are unlikely to fail when put up against an intruder.  All Amplimesh® products are subjected to rigorous Australian Standard AS5039-2008 & AS5041-2003 security testing, including various impact tests, jemmy attacks and pull testing to ensure that our security screens maintain their structural integrity. 


Amplimesh® security screens also undergo a Knife Shear Test that measures the resistance of our security screen mesh against a standardised physical knife attack. The results of these tests confirm that Amplimesh® security screens meet and ­even exceed the Australian standard.

Store valuables in a safe

Every household has possessions you’d like to protect more than others. Consider installing a safe for any items that are particularly valuable or significant to you.

Know your neighbours

If your neighbours know who you are, they’ll get used to your routine and be able to spot anything unusual – like suspicious activity or a potential burglar. Let trustworthy neighbours know when you are going on holidays 

2. How to prepare for a fire

Home fire plans are not just for houses in high-risk, rural suburbs. More Australians die from house fires than they do from bushfires. The most common place where fires start is the kitchen. Ensure you have a working fire and smoke alarm installed alongside these fire safety measures:

Fire drills

Regardless of where you live, prepare a basic plan and make sure your family knows how to follow it. You’ll want to plan two escape routes and a meeting point to gather. Some families also purchase a tiny home fire extinguisher to put out small flames or for use during an evacuation.

Emergency exit security screens

One of the best home fire safety measures you can take is installing Amplimesh® security window exit screens. These windows come with an open outward capability or sliding functionality (depending on the style of the window) for easy escape in an emergency.

3. How to keep safe during a storm

A storm or cyclone can test your home’s structure and cause significant damage. Follow these helpful tips, especially if you live in an area where storms occur more commonly.

Secure all doors and windows

During extreme weather, such as a storm, it’s important to secure every window and door so that harsh winds and debris do not break them. Keep a few extra hardware supplies to board up any potential damage. Security Window Screens can resist glass breakages from flying debris.

Unplug electrical items

While you’re busy ensuring that your doors and windows are safely secured, make sure you also switch off and unplug all electrical items and clear all surfaces. Doing this will limit the chance of breakages that can cause injury and fire from damaged electrical wires. 


Remember that water and electricity can have disastrous outcomes if they come into contact with one another. Given the water that can enter your home during a storm or flood, it’s better to remain safe by disabling your electrical appliances.

Stay in the strongest part of your home.

Do you have a room or area in your home that’s uncluttered and protected by a strong foundation? In many cases, this room is the bathroom. Store some raincoats and Gumboots in your home in case the storm takes a few days to pass.

Preparing For Emergencies With Amplimesh®

By preparing your home for emergencies and introducing similar burglar-proofing measures, you’ll do your best to keep your loved ones and your property safe. For security screens that put your safety first – theft, fire and storms – look at the Amplimesh® product range or contact a local authorised dealer to secure your home alongside more than two million Australian homes over the last 50 years.

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